Tools for education, creativity, and hands-on (TECH) learning project is an initiative to elevate the academic and educational standings of current high school students by raising the standards for their scholastic performance with brief and intense probing into various STEM subjects and concepts. The goal of TECH is to harvest waste learning material from top tier universities in the state and recycle them for students, specifically at schools that are lacking in these materials, to provide them with the tools for hand on learning as their knowledge is built up of many STEM pathways and the science behind them and see to it that they have all the opportunities to participate in any career path, should they want it. In order to combat declining national education standards, an attempt to light the flame that is a passion for learning is done with this spark.
TECH seeks to cover two main points in its administered material. The first is to cover the three "main fascets" of engineering, which we consider to be Thermodynamics, Statics, and Circuits. This belief came about as a result of Louisiana Tech University's requirement for every engineer, no matter the discipline, to take all three of these at least a freshman and sophomore level; it is believed that by conquering this multidisciplinary feat, the engineers produced at LA Tech are better off for it. However, given that this is an exploration of the STEM fields and not just engineering, all STEM material is open to being covered.
The second point pertains to the administration of the material. This is to be done in a hands on fashon, in-tandum with the "lecture" material. As you learn about something, you cement the knowledge in your brain via the application of it through the various projects seen in the showcase path.
After entering college and seeing how far behind our peers we were, this initiative seeks to elevate others so that same struggle does not occur for others. Inspired by the drastic changes that LA Tech's education insighted, the desire to share this with others is shown here.
While TECH seeks to be original, it cannot exist without paying homage LA Tech and the Living with the Lab sries.
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